Dashingdiva's Blog

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“Green Eyed Monster” Cartoon March 24, 2011

Filed under: Random Musings — dashingdiva @ 5:08 am

ellie doong

When I saw a post by my friend with an illustration of a “green eyed monster“, i nearly died laughing as it resembled too much like someone I have the misfortune of knowing….right down to the hairstyle & wrinkles!

For abit of fun, I couldn’t resist doing abit of cartooning with the image and a facebook message i received….it goes hilariously well together! ROFL


2 Responses to ““Green Eyed Monster” Cartoon”

  1. psyche8 Says:

    Wahahahaha! I love it! Well done!

  2. dashingdiva Says:

    haha so funny right? Some of my friends fell off the chair laughing cos they know this person as well. when i’ve time, i’ll photoshop a version of the monster trying to flirt in a hilariously desperate manner. *evil laugh*

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